Reunion 2009

Reunion 2009

Monday, June 28, 2010

2010 Reunion

It's time to finalize the planning. We need a head count for the meals. Please respond ASAP

Adults coming?

Kids coming?

When are you arriving? What day? What time? Are you leaving early?

Notes from last reunion:

Reunion on Kolob again - map will come later (Jackie gave me a short cut that worked out really well for Ronnow and Ronda last year :)

Cabins - Merlin will make arrangements - please let him know if you need one or 635-2148

Zipline - Chad

Secret Families - Melanie

FHE - Kim slide show - please email her or send her 5 family pictures and/or reunion pics or

Games - Jackie & Kellie & Steph & Jerolyn

Church - Mature Folks (you know, the ones without email)

Sing-A-Long - Ronnow

Four Wheelers - Mike & Shellie

BBS Session - Jerrol

Email - Terra

Crafts - everyone bring something for the kids, teens, or adults- if you'd like

The meal groups are arranged, but I will send that out with a head count later, so everyone can plan there meal accordingly.

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2009 Jack Leavitt Reunion